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I don't understand why some people have such a problem with smoking, sure its gonna kill me, but why do you care?
I say that if I'm stupid enough to smoke, then its my own damn fault and responsibility.
People like you are already banning smoking in most places, and the reason my packs cost six goddamn dollars. Any argument as to why it should be illegal is untenable.
second hand smoke? we cant smoke in most public places and you could move or ask us politely to move.
Youth smoking? that responsibility falls to the parents as much as they try to pass the buck to the cigarette companies.
And the idea that you should protect people from themselves is the worst one, and the one i hear the most. if you want to protect people from themselves then we need outlaw personal vehicles, firearms, and foods high in cholesterol and fat, alcohol and many other dangerous activities, people just single out smoking because it is an easy target.
People like to try and tell us we are killing ourselves, because it makes them, feel better about themselves, i was once reprimanded by some fat ass for smoking in MY OWN CAR, while he was ordering fast food, i wanted to call him out on it, but i didn't because that would be rude, and most smokers aren't evil like some people portray them to be, they are normal people like you.
Try focusing your time and energy into more important matters, such as poverty, famine, ethnic cleansing/human rights violations, people without clean water to drink, there are many more causes that are much better to pursue than the banning of smoking.
Also, about the video, dying of smoking related cancer is much more horrible than what I've seen in this video, the animation could use some work and the sound quality was below average as well.
-to the makers of this film-
Don't think that I am flaming you or anything, I just wished to express my opinions as you have expressed yours.